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1.0 Continuing Professional Development
2.0 Postgraduate Residency Training Programs
3.0 Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education Resources

0.0 Educational Resources

The following sections contain resources for continuing professional development and to assist with teaching and mentoring trainee physicians at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Members involved in teaching will find the sections on postgraduate and undergraduate training programs and teaching resources helpful. These sections include recommended readings on a variety to topics related to clinical practice as well as teaching materials such as handouts and PowerPoint presentations. The materials are reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis.

0.1 UGME Occupational Medicine Core Competencies

These UGME Core Competencies were developed by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee of the Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada (OMSOC). The physicians on this committee are from 8 Canadian Universities and are all involved in medical students’ education in occupational Medicine in their respective faculties. The residency program directors of the three specialty programs in Canada were also members of the committee. The Core Competencies were reviewed by the Ontario WSIB Workplace Champions Program. The program consists of an Occupational Medicine Faculty Lead from each of the six Ontario medical schools. The Competencies are also supported by OEMAC and the OMA section on Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

UGME OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE CORE COMPETENCIES - A Curriculum Framework for Undergraduate Medical Education Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada [April 2018]

1.0 Continuing Professional Development

This section lists meetings of relevance to practicing occupational physicians. Conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops eligible for section one MOC credits display the following statement on the program materials: “This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by [accredited provider’s name].” Events outside Canada or overseas may still provide full Section 1 MOC credits. For complete information on recording MOC credits visit the Royal College’s webpage on recording CPD activities. The conference list is updated quarterly.

1.1 Conferences

Visit here to view a list of Occupational Medicine conferences.

1.2 Rounds and Webinars

COVID 19 and the Health Care Essential Workers Webinar

Speakers: Dr. Maureen Cividino, Dr. Sidney Siu and Dr. Alain Sotto

The Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine, the Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada and the Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada are pleased to present the following webinar.

Attendees will learn:

  • Pathophysiology of COVID-19, screening of Health Care Workers, and Work-Self-Isolation COVID-19 and the workplace.
  • Essential workers and how to keep them at work after “exposure” or during “self-isolation.”
  • PPE: face shield, N95s, KN95s, surgical/procedure mask, extended use, and recycling.

Click here to view the webinar recording.

Click here to view/download the slide presentation.

St. Michael’s Hospital Occupational Medicine Rounds

Scheduled every approximately two weeks during the spring (January-May) and fall(September-December), these rounds are accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for Section 1 credits. Participants are encouraged to attend in person. Alternatively, the rounds can be accessed remotely using the Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN) system. In order to earn CPD credits, you must either attend in person or log in via OTN. To have your name added to the Rounds distribution please contact Charmaine Clayton.

The National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) Research Rounds

NIOSH Research Rounds is a monthly bulletin of selected research at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. They can be accessed at the NIOSH Research Rounds website.

Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC)

The Occupational and Environmental Health seminar series is supported by the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Public Health Ontario, the Occupational Cancer Research Centre, and the Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease. Presentations from past seminars can be accessed on the OCRC’s Seminars webpage. Information on upcoming seminars can be accessed at the OCRC Events webpage.

Public Health Ontario (PHO) Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH) Rounds and Seminars

The PHO OEH Rounds are RCPSC accredited seminars that can be attended in person and, in some cases, remotely. For a listing of upcoming seminars visit the PHO Upcoming Events webpage.

2.0 Postgraduate Residency Training Programs

Three universities in Canada offer occupational medicne sub-specialty residency training (subspecialty of internal medicine or public health and preventive medicine). Graduates become Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC). Contact the Program Directors listed below for program-specific information. You can find more information about examination requirements, program accreditation, and entrance requirements, on the Royal College’s website. Follow the Information by Discipline link and select occupational medicine from the Subspecialty drop-down menu.

Several postgraduate programs also deliver occupational medicine content. See section 2.2 for information on the relevant programs.

2.1 Canadian Royal College Fellowship Training Programs

University of Toronto

Program Director: Dr. Aaron Thompson, Division of Occupational Medicine

St. Michael’s Hospital, 4th Floor, Shuter Wing

30 Bond St Toronto ON M5B 1W8

Email Address:


University of Montreal

Dr. Louis Patry, Direction de la santé publique de Montréal

1301, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H2L 1M3

Email address:

University of Alberta

Program Director: Dr. Quentin Durand-Moreau

Occupational Medicine Residency and Fellowship programs, Division of Preventive Medicine

5-30 University Terrace, University of Alberta, 8303 – 112 St, Edmonton AB T6G 2T4

Phone: 780.439.9491 | Fax: 780.439.9091

Medical Education Program Coordinator contact:

Website: Residency Program | Fellowship Program

2.2 Canadian Post Graduate Programs (MPH, MSc, other)

Foundation Course in Occupational Medicine – Part A

This distance learning course in occupational medicine for community-based physicians is accredited by The College of Family Physicians of Canada and each provincial chapter for up to 111 Mainpro-M1 credits, of which up to 15 may be Mainpro-C credits. The course is offered in nine provinces across Canada, including British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, the maritime provinces, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Inquires are also welcomed from Quebec and the territories.

Contact: | Website:

Foundation Course in Occupational Medicine – Part B

This second level course in Occupational Medicine is intended for physicians who are interested in working in industry or other occupational health settings. Completion of Part A is a prerequisite for this course. The Part B program has been accredited for 2015-6 by The College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Alberta chapter for up to 101 Mainpro-M1 credits, of which up to 22 may be Mainpro-C credits.

Contact: | Website:

University of Toronto (MScCH and MPH)

Program Contact: Paul Bozek

Email Address: | Office Phone: (416) 978-6236

Office Address: Gage Occupational & Environmental Health Unit, University of Toronto 223 College Street Toronto, ON M5T 1R4

MScCH website | MPH website | Diploma website

For further information about this program, please contact Agatha Blancas (416-978-5883)

University of Alberta (MPH, MSc) School of Public Health

3-300 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy 11405 – 87 Ave Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9 Canada

Phone: 780.492.9954 Fax: 780.492.0364

Email address: | Website:

University of British Columbia (MSc)

Occupational and Environmental Hygiene School of Population & Public Health

2206 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

Phone: 604.822.2772 | Fax: 604.822.4994

Email address: | Website :

McGill University

Occupational Health Science Program Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Faculty of Medicine

1020 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A2

Phone: 514-398-4229 | Fax: 514-398-8851

Email address: | Website:

3.0 Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education Resources

3.1 Taking an Occupational History

There are many resources to teach students how to take an occupational and environmental history. When used as a teaching resource, the original source should be appropriately acknowledged.

ATSDR Taking an Exposure History

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry provides a series of self-instructional publications designed to increase the provider’s knowledge of hazardous substances in the environment and to aid in the evaluation of potentially exposed patients. The module on Taking and Exposure History can be accessed directly here.

3.2 Introduction to Occupational Medicine

Numerous Powerpoint lecture and tools are freely available to assist teaching the basics of occupational medicine. The Faculty of Occupational Medicine in the UK provides some useful resources for teaching history taking and examination in occupational medicine. The FOM website has additional education resources for teaching clinical risk management and decision making, communication, professionalism, ethics and legal issues, and working with colleagues (collaborator).

3.3 Additional Resources

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine in the UK provides also provides useful resources for teaching other competencies closely aligned with the Canadian CanMEDS roles. These resources include teaching materials addressing teaching clinical risk management and decision making, communication, professionalism, ethics and legal issues, and working with colleagues (collaborator).


Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada


Telephone: 905-415-3917

Toll Free: 1-855-415-3917
Fax: 905-415-0071

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6,

Markham ON, L3R 9X9


OMSOC is Canada’s only medical society devoted to the specialty practice of occupational medicine. OMSOC brings together occupational medicine specialists and physicians from other specialties with an interest in occupational medicine to advise on health policy, encourage discussion and collaboration amongst stakeholders with whom OMSOC’s members interact, including physicians, employers, labour groups, and other allied health professionals, and to advance the specialty practice of occupational medicine through conferences and the training of future occupational medicine specialists.

The Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada is the recognized National Specialty Society for Occupational Medicine with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

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