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OMSOC provides a forum for advancing the practice of occupational medicine by facilitating dialogue amongst physician specialists and between occupational medicine practitioners and members of allied fields, notably government, industry, management, and the law.

If you would like to join OMSOC - download and complete this form and upload it with your online registration. Upon approval of your application and full payment of your dues, your membership will become active.


Full Members - $250.00 (CAD)

Membership in the Society shall be limited to physicians practicing Occupational Medicine in Canada, and who hold specialty certification in Occupational Medicine by the Royal College, le Collège des Médecins du Québec or its equivalent acceptable to the Board of Directors (e.g. internationally trained), and whose application for admission as a Full Member has been accepted by the Board of Directors. Full Members will have a vote at the annual general meetings and be considered eligible for Board Membership.

Associates -$100.00 (CAD)

Associates of the Society shall be applicable to physicians who hold specialty certification in a field other than occupational medicine or certification as designated by the Royal College, le Collège des Médecins du Québec or its equivalent acceptable to the Board of Directors. Such member will be accorded all rights and privileges of Full Membership but will not be eligible for a position on the Board or accorded the right to vote.

Resident Associates - $50.00 (CAD)

Resident Associates of the Society shall be applicable to those members who are currently enrolled in an Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine, or Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency training program accredited by the Royal College or its equivalent acceptable to the Board of Directors, and whose application for admission as a Resident Member has been accepted by the Board of Directors. Resident Membership will remain in effect during the training period. Such member will be accorded all rights and privileges of Full Membership but will not be eligible for a position on the Board or accorded the right to vote.

Medical Student Associates - Free

Medical Student Associates shall be applicable to students who are currently attending medical school in Canada whose programs are accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools and Liaison Committee on Medical Education or its equivalent acceptable to the Board of Directors and whose application for admission as a Medical Student Associate has been accepted by the Board of Directors. Such member will be accorded all rights and privileges of Full Membership but will not be eligible for a position on the Board or accorded the right to vote.

Emeritus Fellows - $50.00 (CAD)

Emeritus Fellows of the Society shall be applicable to previously Full or Associate Members who are no longer in active practice of Occupational Medicine and have been previously a member of the Society for five (5) years or until a change in status has been requested in writing and approved by the Board of Directors. Such member will be accorded all rights and privileges of Full Membership but will not be eligible for a position on the Board or accorded the right to vote.

Honorary Fellows - Free

Honorary Fellows of the Society shall be limited such distinguished individuals recognized for their contribution to occupational medicine. Such members shall be exempt from paying annual membership fees and shall be accorded all rights and privileges accorded to Full Membership but will not be accorded the right to vote.


Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada


Telephone: 905-415-3917

Toll Free: 1-855-415-3917
Fax: 905-415-0071

Address: 20 Crown Steel Dr. Unit #6,

Markham ON, L3R 9X9


OMSOC is Canada’s only medical society devoted to the specialty practice of occupational medicine. OMSOC brings together occupational medicine specialists and physicians from other specialties with an interest in occupational medicine to advise on health policy, encourage discussion and collaboration amongst stakeholders with whom OMSOC’s members interact, including physicians, employers, labour groups, and other allied health professionals, and to advance the specialty practice of occupational medicine through conferences and the training of future occupational medicine specialists.

The Occupational Medicine Specialists of Canada is the recognized National Specialty Society for Occupational Medicine with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

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